Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Fundamentals of Asset Liability Management (NYIF)

Colleagues, the “Fundamentals of Asset Liability Management” program from NYIF will enable you to define, measure, monitor and manage an institution's exposure to Foreign Exchange, Interest Rate and Liquidity Risks, Use ALM to meet regulatory, solvency and liquidity requirements, Control and diversify risk,  Reduce mismatches, Establish strategic directions, Add value creation, Risk adjusted Return on Capital (RAROC) and Capital Allocation. Skill-based training modules include: 1) Application of AnalyticalTechniques, 2) Basis Point Value, 3) Convexity, 4) Duration I-IV, 5) , Interest Rate Gap Analysis I & II, 6) Review of Statistical Concepts, 7) Simulation and Scenario Analysis I & II, 8) Value at Risk I & II, 9) A Nine-part Framework for ALM, 9) Growing Relevance of ALM, 10) Objectives of ALM, 11) Scope of ALM, 12, Strategies of ALM, 12) Yield Curve Analysis, 13) ALCO Meetings, 14) ALM Policies and Procedures, 15) AL Organization, 16) Audit of ALM, 17) Funds Transfer Pricing Practices, and 18) Funders Transfer Pricing.

Enroll today at (teams & execs welcome): 

Download your free Finance, Accounting & Banking - Career Transformation Guide.  

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Financial Certification Academy (share with your team) 

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Financial Markets (training)

Colleagues, the “ Financial Markets ” program taught by Dr. Robert Shiller from Yale University provides an  overview of the ideas, methods,...